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Kone Traction Elevators at the Troy City Center Parking Garage Troy, MI
KONE MonoSpace MRL Traction Elevators @ City Center Parking Garage, Troy, MI
KONE EcoSpace MRL Traction Elevators at Troy City Center Parking Garage, Troy MI | Elevator Video
KONE Traction Elevators @ Troy Marriott, Troy, MI
KONE Traction Elevators 1 and 2 at 888 W. Big Beaver Rd Parking Garage, Troy MI
KONE Traction Elevator 4 at 888 W. Big Beaver Rd Parking Garage, Troy MI
EPIC MODERNIZED Kone traction elevators at the Marriott in Troy Michigan.
KONE EcoSpace Elevator at the Zen City Center Garage, Troy, MI
Modernized Montgomery (Mod by KONE) Traction Elevators at the Troy Marriott, Troy MI
KONE Traction Elevator 3 at 888 W. Big Beaver Rd Parking Garage, Troy MI
Scenic Montgomery Kone Hydraulic Elevators at Somerset Collection North Parking Deck in Troy MI
Scenic KONE EcoSpace MRL Traction Elevators @ The Century Parking Garage, Southfield, MI